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The Noggin Platform

The world's leading integrated resilience workspace for risk and business continuity management, operational resilience, incident & crisis management, and security & safety operations.

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Resilience Management Buyers Guide - Thumbnail
A Resilience Management Software Buyer's Guide
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Who We Are

The world’s leading platform for integrated safety & security management.

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Industry Solution

Incident Management Software for Care Services

Manage any type of incident that occurs to customers of disability and aged care services – from injuries and illnesses, restrictive practices, abuse and neglect, customer behaviors, medical incidents and more. Ensure accurate information for regulatory reporting, in a single integrated platform.

Squiggle (3)
Incidents and Investigations

Incidents & Investigations

Incidents can be reported for a broad range of events that affect customers and services. Each event is investigated, and multiple assessments can be conducted for each investigation, with collaborations involving chats, case notes, related tasks and corrective actions, lessons learned and regulatory reporting.

Hazards, Complaints & Grievances

Enable customers, family members and workers to report hazards, complaints and grievances, that can be investigated and followed through on. This allows senior management to have oversight of what is happening right across all services.

Stay Aware Squiggle (1)
Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Manage all aspects of health and safety in a centralized, easy-to-use platform. Increase efficiency with powerful automation capabilities and a single source of truth for all your data. Gain real time insights to all levels of your business, and empower personnel with configurable notifications, workflows, analytics, and mapping.

Security Management

Proactively manage all aspects of your security operations from anywhere, in one platform. Gain access to integrated security incident, shift, log, patrol, asset, visitor, and event management functionality. Streamline your operations using workflow automations to guide personnel through information capture, enrichment, follow up tasks, and notifications.

Critical Event Management

Manage any critical event from corporate crises, to full-scale emergency management, and business continuity disruption. All the tools to manage any incident through the entire lifecycle of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Keep your crisis or emergency teams following the same plans, collaborating effectively, and sharing the right information. Deploy digital playbooks and checklists to automate responses and track critical tasks.

Do More with Noggin

One Software Platform to Manage any Community or Business Disruption

Business Continuity Group (12)

Mitigate business disruption with our award-winning software for business continuity management.

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Operational Resilience Group (13)

Bolster resilience with our comprehensive solutions for operational resilience.

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Crisis Communications Group (14)

Navigate crises easily with our solution for effective crisis communications.

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Operational Risk Management Group (15)

Mitigate business risks with our next-gen operational risk management software.

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Crisis & Incident Management Group (16)

Manage disruption, smarter with our software for crisis and incident management.

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Third-Party Risk Management Group (17)

Reduce risks from third-parties with our software for third-party risk management.

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Emergency Management emergency mamagement 1

Enable effective preparedness and swift response with our solution for emergency management.

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Safety Management WHS-hard hat

Elevate safety processes and standards with our comprehensive solution for work safety management.

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Investigations & Case Management Group (19)

Streamline investigations and case management with our next-generation software.

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Security Management Security - padlock

Enhance the security of your people and assets with our solution for comprehensive security management.

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What are you waiting for? What-are-you-waiting-for

Go ahead, take a closer look at Noggin's integrated resilience workspace, which seamlessly integrates 10 solutions into one, easy-to-use platform.

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What are you waiting for

What are you waiting for?

Manage any incident, big or small with the world’s leading integrated platform for crisis & emergency management, work safety, business continuity, & operational security.