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The Noggin Platform

The world's leading integrated resilience workspace for risk and business continuity management, operational resilience, incident & crisis management, and security & safety operations.

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Resilience Management Buyers Guide - Thumbnail
A Resilience Management Software Buyer's Guide
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Who We Are

The world’s leading platform for integrated safety & security management.

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Industry Solution

Counter-Terrorism Software: Threat & Extremism Solutions

Noggin provides a range of solutions to help protect organizations and communities from terrorism threats. These help to protect critical infrastructure, manage intelligence operations, investigate threats and incidents, and manage cases of fixated threats and countering violent extremism.

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Protect Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Enable critical infrastructure asset operators and regulators to maintain key details of assets and stakeholder contacts, assess risks and threats using industry standard tools, disseminate notifications and notices such as official advice to asset custodians, track logs and tasks, and prepare for or respond to planned events or incidents. 

Joint Intelligence Group Operations

Support the operations of Joint Intelligence Groups (JIG) and Joint Analysis Groups (JAG) to gather and capture intelligence, share information between cells and commanders, and workflow key intelligence products.

Stay Aware Squiggle (1)
Security Management

Countering Violent Extremism

Law enforcement, justice, education, and other agencies can assess, manage and review referrals and cases. The solution helps to counter extremist views and prevent escalation into violence.

Fixated Threat Assessment

Corporations, law enforcement, education, health and other government agencies can assess, manage and review fixated threats via referrals and cases, including detailed checklists for referral assessment.

Security Investigations

Triage referrals or complaints, assign cases to investigators, initiate investigations, capture logs, evidence & witness statements, and report on findings and recommendations.

Do More with Noggin

One Software Platform to Manage any Community or Business Disruption

Business Continuity Group (12)

Mitigate business disruption with our award-winning software for business continuity management.

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Operational Resilience Group (13)

Bolster resilience with our comprehensive solutions for operational resilience.

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Crisis Communications Group (14)

Navigate crises easily with our solution for effective crisis communications.

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Operational Risk Management Group (15)

Mitigate business risks with our next-gen operational risk management software.

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Crisis & Incident Management Group (16)

Manage disruption, smarter with our software for crisis and incident management.

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Third-Party Risk Management Group (17)

Reduce risks from third-parties with our software for third-party risk management.

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Emergency Management emergency mamagement 1

Enable effective preparedness and swift response with our solution for emergency management.

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Safety Management WHS-hard hat

Elevate safety processes and standards with our comprehensive solution for work safety management.

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Investigations & Case Management Group (19)

Streamline investigations and case management with our next-generation software.

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Security Management Security - padlock

Enhance the security of your people and assets with our solution for comprehensive security management.

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What are you waiting for? What-are-you-waiting-for

Go ahead, take a closer look at Noggin's integrated resilience workspace, which seamlessly integrates 10 solutions into one, easy-to-use platform.

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What are you waiting for

What are you waiting for?

Manage any incident, big or small with the world’s leading integrated platform for crisis & emergency management, work safety, business continuity, & operational security.