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The Noggin Platform

The world's leading integrated resilience workspace for risk and business continuity management, operational resilience, incident & crisis management, and security & safety operations.

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Resilience Management Buyers Guide - Thumbnail
A Resilience Management Software Buyer's Guide
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Who We Are

The world’s leading platform for integrated safety & security management.

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Industry Solution

Resilience Management Software for Healthcare & Hospitals

Keep your health care facilities and people safe and secure, and manage events, complaints, visitors and risk from the smallest incident to a major crisis or emergency. Integrated incident management, security operations, facilities and workforce monitoring and emergency management.

Squiggle (3)
Critical Event Management

Critical Event Management

Coordinate responses with health-specific incident types and dashboards (mass casualty, infectious disease, natural disaster, planned event). Situation reporting, decision & task logging, with automated approvals and distribution. HICS emergency management – response plan templates for range of incidents with corresponding teams, roles & responsibilities. Scale up to full emergency management, whether using ICS, HICS or AIIMS.

Incident Management & Investigation

Centralize all non-clinical incident reporting and decrease the friction of submitting reports through simple, intelligent forms. Track & report on safety and security incidents to maintain the wellbeing of the workers and patients. Manage feedback and complaints including escalations to investigations and response.

Stay Aware Squiggle (1)
Business Continuity-Hero

Facilities & Workforce Monitoring

Facilities and resources, for tracking and visualizing the status of hospitals, clinics, testing or aged-care facilities, the availability of beds, blood and medicine stocks, ventilators and personal protective equipment, and the management of requests for resources or assistance. Also manage health care worker status, risks, welfare and case management, to ensure organizations understand worker availability, are prepared to surge capacity, and can manage the impact of exposed or infected workers.

Security Operations

Keep workers, equipment and patients secure, by managing all aspects of protective security across your facilities, including incident, shift, log, patrol, asset and visitor management. Streamline your operations using workflow automations to guide personnel through information capture, enrichment, follow up tasks, and notifications.

Business Continuity Management

Apply industry standards and best practices to determine disruption impacts, develop plans and prepare recovery strategies to address risks. Easily guide people through the business impact assessment process across your business, identify dependencies and gaps, and track plan & recovery strategy approval and testing.

Do More with Noggin

One Software Platform to Manage any Community or Business Disruption

Business Continuity Group (12)

Mitigate business disruption with our award-winning software for business continuity management.

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Operational Resilience Group (13)

Bolster resilience with our comprehensive solutions for operational resilience.

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Crisis Communications Group (14)

Navigate crises easily with our solution for effective crisis communications.

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Operational Risk Management Group (15)

Mitigate business risks with our next-gen operational risk management software.

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Crisis & Incident Management Group (16)

Manage disruption, smarter with our software for crisis and incident management.

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Third-Party Risk Management Group (17)

Reduce risks from third-parties with our software for third-party risk management.

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Emergency Management emergency mamagement 1

Enable effective preparedness and swift response with our solution for emergency management.

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Safety Management WHS-hard hat

Elevate safety processes and standards with our comprehensive solution for work safety management.

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Investigations & Case Management Group (19)

Streamline investigations and case management with our next-generation software.

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Security Management Security - padlock

Enhance the security of your people and assets with our solution for comprehensive security management.

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What are you waiting for? What-are-you-waiting-for

Go ahead, take a closer look at Noggin's integrated resilience workspace, which seamlessly integrates 10 solutions into one, easy-to-use platform.

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What are you waiting for

What are you waiting for?

Manage any incident, big or small with the world’s leading integrated platform for crisis & emergency management, work safety, business continuity, & operational security.