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Improving Resilience with Location Intelligence

When it comes to incident response, resource and asset management involves coordinating and oversight over the application of tools, processes, systems, or personnel that provide managers with timely and appropriate resources when they need them most.

But resource and asset management doesn’t simply answer the question how many; it answers the question where, as well.

And in the intrinsically fluid crisis scenario, where is often the hardest question to answer of them all.

Situational awareness through location intelligence reinforces resource and asset management

To answer it, incident managers need situational awareness. Real-time situational awareness allows decision makers to know what’s happening and where.

Incident teams traditionally gained situational awareness from static data models. But with the advent of location intelligence, the mode and quality of data has changed dramatically.

Defining location intelligence

So, what is location intelligence? The industry definition of location intelligence is insights gained from visualizing and/or analyzing location data. But location intelligence simply refers to the use of geospatial data to solve problems.

In resilience and incident management, the problems themselves come in the form of either incremental changes or sudden disruptions. Location intelligence in this context contributes to the ability of an organization to anticipate, prepare for, adapt to, and most importantly respond to changes and disruptions.

Key benefits of location intelligence

How so? Well, location intelligence comes in the form of data concerning physical presence on a map – most often, location signals from mobile devices.

These signals solve a major challenge in resilience and incident management. That problem is managers lacking the visibility into the location of personnel and mobile assets (i.e., situational awareness). This basic lack of visibility creates issues in promptly assigning the right resources to incidents (i.e., efficient resource and asset management).

By providing the requisite analytics to detect and quantify problems, location intelligence helps organization understand where and why things are happening. In a nutshell, the benefits of location intelligence include:

1. Real-time incident response

In pinpointing personnel and mobile assets during incidents, location intelligence enables swift response by facilitating efficient resource deployment.

2. Enhanced situational awareness

Decision-makers gain comprehensive insights into incident spread, as well as personnel and asset movements, enabling informed decision making for proactive threat mitigation.

3. Efficient resource allocation

Identifying nearby resources allows for optimized deployment, minimizing response time and ensuring business continuity.

4. Employee safety and wellbeing

By giving employees the ability to share their location, organizations enable lone workers to be monitored and improve response when assistance is required.

Uses of location intelligence

Coming from location signals from mobile devices, location intelligence provides insights into movement in the physical world. The potential uses of location intelligence in resilience management are, therefore, extensive.

As we have mentioned, insights derived from location data can empower local incident managers to better prioritize outreach, deploy life-saving services, and direct the efforts of first responders.

Other uses of location intelligence include:

Security management

Security dispatchers can stay updated on the whereabouts of their team to enable more efficient dispatching, i.e., by using personnel or assets that are closest to the area.

Health and safety

Employers learn where their workers are, particularly the most vulnerable.

Emergency medical services

Managers are able to see where paramedic team members are with their live location on a map to better coordinate their movements to improve response efficiency.

Location sharing with Noggin

What is the technological element that makes this happen? That would be location sharing, or the ability of users to share their location with other people and entities.

And the best part is Noggin has introduced a location sharing feature, giving our users the ability to voluntarily share their whereabouts with the system.

What does it all mean? In the event of an emergency, Noggin users won't have to manually update their location, which sacrifices valuable time. Instead, their location can be shared automatically with the system.

As a result, managers will be able to swiftly identify the locations of personnel during emergencies. The location sharing capability will, therefore, facilitate efficient assignment of the right personnel to incidents, optimizing crisis response and management in the process.

So, what are the main takeaways? They include:

  • Noggin has introduced a feature called location sharing, allowing end users to choose to share their location with the Noggin system for a specific duration.
  • Noggin also supports real-time mobile asset location, which allows users to monitor the location of assets in real time.

Finally, maintaining situational awareness has always been the bugbear of efficient resource and asset management. Real-time location intelligence goes a long way to solving the challenge, by giving managers the requisite visibility needed to assign the right resources to incidents.

Now with Noggin’s integrated resilience management software, organizations get the benefit of insights gained from visualizing and analyzing location data. To that end, our location sharing capability and support for real-time mobile asset location enable swift response, facilitate efficient resource deployment, and enhance situational awareness when it matters most.

But don’t just take our word for it. Request a demo to see Noggin in action for yourself.

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